109 Rewind
111 News
123 Special Feature
159 Additive Manufacturing

123 High hopes for 3D printing
L. Nickels

127 MIM2021 virtual conference overview
J. Capus

130 Breaking up is hard to do – Making up can be even harder! (Tales of atomising and sintering)
M.A. Kearns and A.J. Coleman

137 COVID-19 shatters global automotive industry; sales of metal powder take a nosedive amid wavering demand
N. Kaitwade

140 Surface characteristics modification of lm25 aluminum alloy – 5% sic particulate metal matrix composites by friction stir processing
P. Vijayavel, I. Rajkumar and T. Sundararajan

152 Graphmatech – The Swedish graphene technology company on a mission to revolutionize the metal industry
P. Maley and M. Taher

156 PM Personality: Dr Chaman Lall, Metal Powder Products Co. (MPP)
J. Capus

Published: 2024-09-21