1. Manuscript Submission:

Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts electronically via the online submission system of Metal Powder Report (MPR). Manuscripts should be prepared according to the journal's guidelines and should be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or LaTeX format.

2. Manuscript Preparation:

  • Title Page: The title page should include the title of the manuscript, list of all authors and their affiliations, corresponding author's contact information (including email address), and any acknowledgments or funding sources.

  • Abstract: A concise abstract of no more than 250 words should summarize the main findings and significance of the research.

  • Keywords: Authors should provide 5-7 keywords that accurately reflect the content of the manuscript.

  • Main Text: The main text should be organized into sections such as Introduction, Experimental Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. References should be cited using a standard citation format (e.g., APA, MLA).

  • Figures and Tables: Figures and tables should be included within the manuscript and should be of high quality. Each figure and table should be accompanied by a descriptive caption.

3. Manuscript Length:

Manuscripts should be concise and focused. Full-length research articles typically range from 4000 to 8000 words, including figures, tables, and references. Review articles and perspectives may vary in length but should not exceed 10,000 words.

4. Ethical Guidelines:

Authors are expected to adhere to the highest ethical standards in their research. This includes proper citation of sources, avoidance of plagiarism, and disclosure of any conflicts of interest or funding sources.

5. Peer Review Process:

All manuscripts submitted to Metal Powder Report (MPR) undergo a rigorous peer review process by experts in the field. Authors can expect timely and constructive feedback from reviewers to improve the quality of their manuscripts.

6. Copyright and Permissions:

Authors retain the copyright to their manuscripts, but are required to grant Metal Powder Report (MPR) the right to publish and distribute the work. Authors are responsible for obtaining any necessary permissions for the use of copyrighted material.

7. Manuscript Submission Fee:

There is no submission fee for manuscripts submitted to Metal Powder Report (MPR). However, if the manuscript is accepted for publication, authors may be required to pay an article processing charge (APC) to cover the cost of publication.

8. Contact Information:

For any inquiries regarding manuscript submission or the publication process, authors can contact the editorial office of Metal Powder Report (MPR).

Note to Authors:

Please carefully read and adhere to the instructions provided above before submitting your manuscript to Metal Powder Report (MPR). Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in delays in the review process or rejection of the manuscript. We look forward to receiving your contributions to the field of metal powders.